Model 4000 Series Counter-balanced Block Systems With Cable Metering

Model 4000 series Counter-Balanced Blocks
The block weight is counterbalanced with weight above the pivot point. The cable exerts only a slight force for the sheave to remain co-planer with the bisected cable, regardless of ship roll, pitch, yaw and trawling operations. On standard blocks, further cable protection is provided by a cable guard. This ensures positive cable entrapment during times of slack cable. Sensing and display electronics measure cable payout and rate. This information may be displayed at up to nine remote locations. As cable is run over the sheave, solid state magnetic switches sense the speed and direction of the sheave's rotation. These signals are processed by solid-state microprocessor-based circuitry. The correct groove radius is about four percent larger than the cable diameter. High Quality and dependability make G.O. blocks a long-term investment, rather than an expendable component as most blocks are. Savings resulting from lessened cable wear, reduced loss of oceanographic equipment, and the inherent longevity of G.O. blocks, more that justify the initial expense. Blocks and readouts can be moved from ship to ship, cutting fleet instrumentation costs.
Model 4048 Readout features:


Model 4048P Power Supply
Input: 110 or 240 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz.
Output: 12 VDC.
Reserve power: 15 minutes emergency power is available if ships power is lost.
Warning: Power supply is designed for use in sheltered locations only.
Customer must order two "Interconnecting Cables" additionally, for use interchangeably between power supply, readout and block.
Hydroblock Cables: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100 meters or any "special length".

General Specifications

Block                                       Load    Wire   Groove Outside  Gross
Size                    Sheave              Rating  Dia    Circum.  Dia    Weight                                  
(meters)Feature  Width  Duty    Model        lbs.   inches  feet   inches   lbs.

1/2 C N L.D. 4040-0.5 6600# .312" 1.64' 9.45" 55# 1/2 C W L.D. 4040-0.5W 6600# .312" 1.64' 10.55" 65# 1/2 F N L.D. F4040-0.5W 6600# .312" 1.64' 9.45" 42# 1/2 F W L.D. F4040-0.5W 6600# .312" 1.64' 10.55" 46# 1.0 C N L.D. 4041-1 6600# .312" 3.28' 14.10" 80# 1.0 C N H.D. 4042-1 17600# .625" 3.28' 14.50" 110# 1.0 C W L.D. 4041-1W 6600# .312" 3.28' 20.60" 92# 1.0 C W H.D. 4042-2W 17600# .625 3.28' 21.50" 125# 1.0 F N L.D. F4041-1 6600# .312" 3.28' 14.10" 50# 1.0 F N H.D. F4042-1 17600# .625" 3.28' 14.50 61# 1.0 F W L.D. F4041-1W 6600# .312" 3.28' 20.60" 62# 1.0 F W H.D. F4042-2W 17600# .625" 3.28' 21.50" 73# 1.5 C N L.D. 4043-1.5 6600# .312" 4.841' 20.40" 160# 1.5 F N L.D. F4043-1.5 6600# .312: 4.841' 20.40" 100# 2.0 C N L.D. 4043-2 6600# .312" 6.56' 26.50" 250# 2.0 C N H.D. 4044-2 17600# .625" 6.56' 26.82" 325# 2.0 C W L.D. 4043-2W 6600# .312" 6.56' 32.40" 350# 2.0 C W H.D. 4044-2W 17600# .625" 6.56' 32.60" 440# 2.0 F N L.D. F4043-2 6000# .312" 6.56' 26.50" 190# 2.0 F N H.D F4044-2 17600# .625" 6.56' 26.82" 280# 2.0 F W L.D. F4043-2W 6600# .312" 6.56' 32.40" 230# 2.0 F W H.D. F4044-2W 17600# .625" 6.56' 32.60" 295#

L.D. designates "Light Duty Load", recommended only to 6600# on the eye bolt. For wire sizes 3/16 inch to 1/2 inch diameter.
H.D. designates "Heavy Duty Load", recommended only to 17600# on the eye bolt. For wire sizes 1/2 inch to 7/8 inch diameter.
S.F. Safety factor for listed blocks is 4x. F designates "FAIRLEAD" type block.
C designates "COUNTER-BALANCED" type block.
N designates "NARROW SHEAVE" type block.
W designates "WIDE SHEAVE" type block.
Counter- Balanced Blocks with Instrumentation require POWER SUPPLY, READOUT & TWO CONNECTING CONDUCTING CABLES.
I designates instrumentation Sensors for speed and distance. Feature may be added to any block.
Narrow Sheave- for hydro wires and lines.
Wide Sheave- for hydro wires and lines equipped with floats and instruments.
The 0.5 meter wide sheave blocks accept up to 4 inch diameter floats. The 1 thru 2 meter wide sheave blocks accept up to 8 inch diameter floats. "Fairlead Blocks" are designed and manufactured the same as a counter- balanced block without the counter-balance feature.